May 29, 2010

Brahminy kites @ Manchanabele Back Waters

Manchanabele dam is small artificial dam erected by the government of Karnataka on river Arkavati for irrigation and drinking water in the village of Manchanabele. The dam is insignificant in terms of structure or architecture. But the beauty is in the backwaters it has created surrounded by stone structed rugged hills. This is very good for family picnic, friends outing or couples. If you are going there in the day then do take tent or large umbrella to escape the sun. One can go do various activities here – starting from bird watching, hiking, rock climbing, boating, photography or spend time in leisure.

May 20, 2010

Elephant Census 2010

Elephant Census 2010 :
This was a very good experience and had real experience with the elephants, we were able to see approx 1000 deers and hundereds of elephants.